
  • Are we ready for simpler devices

    You make a small, high-quality piece of hardware that embraces constraints and does one or two things really well. I actually want that.

  • RocketBooks and my settled productivity system

    It recently occurred to me that, after frequently bouncing between tools and techniques, I have a pretty settled productivity system these days. And my Rocketbook planner is at the centre of this. So I thought I'd write it up!

  • A week-long Playdate?

    I'm SO addicted to Root Bear. But what do I think of my new little Playdate console after a week?

  • Craftsmanship vs Perfectionism

    I struggle to get started sometimes. I don't think it's perfectionism. Bit I've realised it may be what I've decided to call "craftsmanship". Here's my thinking...

  • Old Tabs: Part 12

    My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is still WAY out of hand. So I'm challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 11. You can call it part 2 of season 2 if you like. Yes, I had a LOT of open tabs!

  • Old Tabs: Part 11

    My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is still WAY out of hand. So I'm challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 11. You can call it part 2 of season 2 if you like.

  • Old Tabs: Part 10

    My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is still WAY out of hand. So I'm challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 10. You can call it part 1 of season 2 if you like.