
  • Please. Don’t. Play with the…

    With a pre-schooler, a simple activity, like trying to plug a hose into a water butt, turns into a mind-bending philosophical monologue.

  • WP Quick Image update

    Yay! Pushed out v0.2 of WP Quick Image. It now lets you set a category, tag and other options for posts. See

  • New Friend

    My new bike - a Marin Muirwoods 29er - is truly a do-everything sporty, on-road, off-road, commuter and family adventure bike. I love it!

  • More Normal

    "The bananas might be in a bag on the trampoline"

  • Some days of normal

    Hah. Brilliant. So a good friend of mine posts on Facebook that she is partaking in #21daysofnormal: an attempt to open up the reality of daily life and not hide behind the perfect, filtered life that we probably all post to social media most days. “glamorous, Instagrammed photos of the little special bits of our […]