
  • Walking in Salcombe

    It's with some trepidation that I approach writing an article about my church mens' walking weekend.

  • Spring Walks

    [Another belated post written in Jan 2010, just to record some walking we did in 2009 and to log a few peaks bagged!] April and May were busy months, but somewhere in there we managed to do some good walking. My lovely wife had to do a trip to Aberystwyth in April, so, as it […]

  • Twitter Basics: Other Sites

    If you say something, that something is out there on the 'net. That can be a scary thought, but the availability of all this information can be quite handy.

  • Busism?

    I have joined the cult of bus!

  • Twitter Basics: Types of Message

    Status updates are all well and good, but sometimes you want to reply to something someone said, or pass it on to others.

  • Rush hour

    I've always known in my head that cycling is better, but today there was something more emotional