
  • A Busy Time

    It’s been a busy time for the Wintles! We’ve had numerous busy weekends, in Devon with my in-laws, on a Tour of the North (Leeds, Durham, and then back home via Cambridge and London), and we’ll be in London this coming weekend too. So we’ve not been at home much. Weekday evenings have been busy […]

  • Getting Wii Fit

    A Confession Having finally, after many months, confessed to having a Wii and telling the world what I think about it. It’s time for the next step of my “coming out”. We, after a long period of searching, also bought a Wii Fit! If you have no idea what I’m talking about then take a […]

  • Eek – I'm an evangelist!

    I don’t really like the word “Evangelist”.  It conjurs up visions of shouty men in the middle of town telling people that they’re all going to hell at the tops of their voices.  Either that or suit-wearing professional speakers who hold big Christian rallys in stadiums.  Not me at all, and, despite my strong Christian […]

  • Slug Catching

    It’s been a while since I wrote about the garden, and in particular about the slugs. Slug activity seemed to heighten around June/July time, probably compounded by the fact that we had another wet and not overly hot summer. We’d initially tried beer traps but these were time consuming and messy and, over time, seemed […]

  • Proverbs for our Times

    Here are some wise sayings that seem quite relevant given the current credit crunch: “Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.” “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” “Don’t guarantee […]

  • The Wii

    I’m sure a million people have reviewed the Nintendo Wii, so my comments on the latest addition to our household will be late and fairly insignificant. Still, having had the Wii for a while, I want to note what I think. Gaming History and Philosophy in the Wintle Household Sally and I aren’t big gamers. […]

  • Campaigning Success!

    There are a number of situations in the world that I take very much to heart and try to do something about. Changing the world isn’t easy, but organisations like Tearfund, Christian Aid, and Oxfam provide plenty of good resources to help us badger big businesses, and make our views known to our MPs. Sometimes […]

  • It's alive!!!

    It’s been a while since the garden got much attention (though I’ll be writing about the harvest soon), but this is a little set of observations that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while. Despite, or including, the slugs and creeping cinquefoil (this is what we thought was creeping buttercup), our garden is […]

  • Brain Dumping with wikidpad

    Recently someone asked if there was a good tool for dumping lots of stuff that was in their head in a GTD (Getting Things Done) manner. I use a tool called Wikidpad for this. It’s a desktop Wiki, which enabled you to write short or long notes, and link them together in a variety of […]

  • Magic Roundabout!!!

    Sorry. I can’t help it. This is simply a gratuitous link to a piece of 1972 news footage that I’ve discovered about my beloved Magic Roundabout. Great stuff!