
  • Discipleship Academy and SoulSpace

    I’ve had an inspiring evening with these two little events. They won’t mean much to some so I’ll try and explain. “Discipleship” is lots of things. For me it’s the process of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, learning his ways, following in his footsteps, trying to lead a godly life. What’s a godly life […]

  • New Game….New Dangers

    I need to write about this incredibly important subject to warn you of the dangers of a sport that I’ve recently taken up. This sport requires: excellent balance; pin point precision; dedication and repeated practice of repetitive actions; a good head for numbers. Yes, I’m not kidding. I’ve taken up darts!!! We have a cultural […]

  • Playing with Symfony

    OK, here’s where I kinda “come out” as a true geek. Most of this will probably mean nothing to any of you and for that I make absolutely no apology whatsoever. This whole post is a bit of a brag, but it’s writing up what’s been an intriguing afternoon/evening for me too. I have a […]

  • 2 Films: The Notebook & An Inconvenient Truth

    Two films watched this week – most unlike us. The Notebook Recorded while we were on holiday, this charming love story didn’t really impress me. It was a simple couple-meet, couple-torn-apart, couple-get-back together story, wrapped up as an old man reading the story to his wife who’s suffering from dementia and amnesia. Touching and cute, […]

  • Clapped Out

    I’m a cyclist – you can probably tell that – and I love all sports of different kinds. But there’s one that I’ve never got on with…running! It knackers my kness and every time I try to take it up I have to give up quite quickly because I’m in pain. So instead, I tend […]

  • A week in Sicily – Pantalica and Home

    Part…umm…well…the last part! I’m probably on about part 74 of my holiday write up now.  You’ll be glad to hear that it’s (probably) the last one. After climbing Etna on the Friday, Saturday was supposed to be a bit of a day off.  But the thought of just doing nothing somehow didn’t appeal.  We had […]

  • A Week in Sicily: Mount Etna

    We awoke on Friday feeling refreshed and healthy, had an big, early breakfast, and headed up the coast to Mt Etna. Actually there was some packing in there too…we had lots of decisions to make about packing our day sacks and what to wear. In the end I think we both ended up with full-on […]

  • A week in Sicily: Not a trip to Etna, no honking and definitely no Kangaroos!

    [Note – a few photos have been added to other holiday entries, should anyone care] After a my stressy day, and the lessons learned from it, and our prayers being answered, the Thursday was much easier. The plan was to go to Etna, but this demanded all our energy for a long drive and some […]

  • A week in Sicily Part 5: Bored yet? I am.

    Why am I even writing this? Ho hum. Actually, that was pretty much what I thought of the Wednesday of the holiday…”why am I here?”. I’m not very good at holidays and day 2 or three is usually pretty stressful. This was no exception. The day started well with sunshine, the usual fantastic breakfast, and […]