• Prevent Accidental Shootings

    There has been a lot of discussion of America’s gun laws and culture recently after the school shooting in Conneticut. The danger of gun prevalence in the USA really hit home, though, as I was reading a book over Christmas.   I’ve been reading Armin Brott’s excellent ‘The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the […]

  • Book: The Northern Lights (and Film: The Golden Compass)

    Philip Pullman is an author with a reputation. He is the children’s Dan Brown. He’s known more for the controversy about what he writes than for how he writes. I don’t like Dan Brown’s writing. I read the Da Vinci Code and though I thought it was gripping and exciting, it was also patronising and […]

  • Book: Prayer by Phillip Yancey

    This book was recommended as a good read on prayer but didn’t live up to expectations. Before I wrote these notes on it I did some searching and it’s hard to find a bad review of the book. And I have to say that, despite the slow start to it, the book did grow on […]

  • Book: The Eyre Affair – Jasper Fforde

    I’ve been off sick the last few days, sleeping, resting, and taking my mind off my churning stomach by both reading and writing. One result of which is that, after about 6 months of on-and-off reading, I’ve finally finished a book! The Eyre Affair is a cleverly comic, extremely eccentric romp through time space and […]

  • Book: Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell

    A friend of mine used to keep notes on books she had read and films she had seen. I hope to occasionally jot down what I think of books, films, maybe music here. Not reviews, but reminders to me of what the thing was about and what I thought of it. I’ve just finished reading […]