Are we ready for simpler devices
You make a small, high-quality piece of hardware that embraces constraints and does one or two things really well. I actually want that.
Creativity, curiosity, and code
You make a small, high-quality piece of hardware that embraces constraints and does one or two things really well. I actually want that.
It recently occurred to me that, after frequently bouncing between tools and techniques, I have a pretty settled productivity system these days. And my Rocketbook planner is at the centre of this. So I thought I'd write it up!
I'm SO addicted to Root Bear. But what do I think of my new little Playdate console after a week?
A simple, succinct version of Ed Zitron's essay on the Rot Economy
I struggle to get started sometimes. I don't think it's perfectionism. Bit I've realised it may be what I've decided to call "craftsmanship". Here's my thinking...
I tested whether AI can accurately refactor code. Spoiler: It can't! But I had some fun and did some neat meta-programming along the way.
My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is still WAY out of hand. So I'm challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 11. You can call it part 2 of season 2 if you like.
My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is still WAY out of hand. So I'm challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 10. You can call it part 1 of season 2 if you like.
If you don’t know, three years ago I made and launched a WordPress “command palette” tool called Turbo Admin. Now, there’s a new WordPress command palette on the block (no pun intended)! And actually, it looks really awesome and Calvin did a great job. I give you CommandUI! You should check it out. I love […]
I’m a big fan of using RSS and I’ve loved the iOS and MacOs Reeder app for years. Recently a new version of Reeder came out that’s in many ways different, but in many ways similar. I immediately tried it out as Reeder is so good and I use it a lot. I was keen […]