• How do I know if I've got spiritual gifts?

    We’ve been doing a thing at our church called a SHAPE course. SHAPE is an acronym, standing for “Spritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences”. It’s intended to help you look at those five things, think a bit about what things you have that fit into those categories, and work out what things you might be […]

  • Movements and Organisations

    A friend has given me a very interesting little book to read to read called “Accompanying young people on their spiritual quest”. It’s a cracking book and very well written (that’s very high praise from me!) and, oddly, my first interesting thought about it is not about the book’s key subject. While discussing how the […]

  • Weddings

    Yesterday was the wedding of some good friends of ours. A brilliant day, great church service, good worship, very much a wedding where God was present. A real sense of two becoming one and a change of status in their relationship. It was interesting going to a Christian wedding with a mixed bunch of people […]

  • Sunday evening brain dump…

    Another Sunday evening Brain dump then. Things to write about: Sunday evening’s talk at church More on social networking Thoughts on Work Storytelling! Sunday Evening’s Talk at Church Before I write this, a vague note about how I intend writing about my faith here. I do have an assumption that no one else is reading […]

  • Christian Aid Week…how do the poor see us..

    Had a very good Christian Aid Week service at church this morning. Lots of good use of CA’s resources and an interesting sermon based on Luke 7:36-50 – the story of a woman, probably a prostitute, worshipping Jesus by pouring expensive perfume over his feet. The key thing I took away was the need for […]

  • What DO people do…

    Feeling low again today so had a quick prayer whip-round. Got me thinking…what do people who don’t believe in God do when I tell them I’m not well? The obvious response from a Christian is “I’ll pray for you”, and through that God can speak to us and get us to see the situation through […]

  • Easter Is…

    My first Blog from work! Lunchtime. Sandwiches…inevitably from Marks and Spencers… Easter is upon us. It is Holy Week. And the shops are full of Easter merchandise hoping that the sun and the temptation of copious quantities of chocolate will spur people on to spend their hard earned reddies. But what’s it really about? M&S […]

  • Community in Teams

    I’m in a band! Not a very big or good band, we’re just starting out really playing once a month, rocked up versions of contemporary Christian songs to God (“worship songs” for the uninitiated). I love it, I’m passionate about it, I have fun doing it, it’s just great and it’s just me. But I’ve […]

  • Preaching Backwards

    Preaching Backwards Just some thoughts on biblical teaching. My WebLog doesn’t show yet that I’m a Christian so, well, there it is! πŸ™‚ I’m a 4-year old Christian who loves God, and, as a thinker, I love to use my mind in my worship; and so, I’m often thinking about my faith and drawing (possibly […]