• The Wii

    I’m sure a million people have reviewed the Nintendo Wii, so my comments on the latest addition to our household will be late and fairly insignificant. Still, having had the Wii for a while, I want to note what I think. Gaming History and Philosophy in the Wintle Household Sally and I aren’t big gamers. […]

  • Brain Dumping with wikidpad

    Recently someone asked if there was a good tool for dumping lots of stuff that was in their head in a GTD (Getting Things Done) manner. I use a tool called Wikidpad for this. It’s a desktop Wiki, which enabled you to write short or long notes, and link them together in a variety of […]

  • Playing with Symfony

    OK, here’s where I kinda “come out” as a true geek. Most of this will probably mean nothing to any of you and for that I make absolutely no apology whatsoever. This whole post is a bit of a brag, but it’s writing up what’s been an intriguing afternoon/evening for me too. I have a […]

  • Google Chrome

    The Internet (and, indeed, the press in general) has been alive with talk of Google Chrome.  As always, I won’t have much to add to the masses of stuff that’s already been written, but here’s how Chrome has been for me. Hearing about it Heck, it was only yesterday but it seems so long ago! […]

  • Domain Settings

    Quick note for any regular readers (I think there might be two of you!), I’ve been playing with some technical jiggery-pokery (DNS sub-domain/CNAME entries to be exact) and have managed to make Blogger look like it’s on my own domain. Woo hoo! So, hopefully, regardless of where it’s hosted (this MAY be under review), my […]

  • Garmin Forerunner 50 Heart Rate Monitor

    I’ve had my HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) that I got for my cycle training for about 6 weeks now so it’s time I did a bit of a write up. Why Bother? First of all, why bother with an HRM? (If you haven’t spotted already I’m the kind of person that thinks a LOT and […]

  • Behind with the Times

    This is a bit of an unstructured brain-dump of where certain techie things are in my head right now. I wrote about my use of Twitter a while back. One of the boons of this has been watching the inspiring little comments of an old Bathonian friend of mine. My friend (I won’t name him […]

  • How Cuil???

    A friend of mine is engaged in a little, private “Beta” website that I’m contributing to. It’s kinda Christian-themed news and random stuff. I’ve spent some time tonight on a post which I hope he doesn’t mind me cross-posting here. —– You may, like me, have noticed the latest big thing on the Internet…a new […]

  • Having a Wii

    Just a quick note. As a little joint birthday treat to ourselves, we’ve managed to track down and purchase a Nintendo Wii! We’re not big gamers but we’ve always like fun, multiplayer games, and the Wii is cheap and fits the bill. I’ll be writing more about this incredible time-wasting machine soon, but if any […]

  • Cycle Logs

    I’m strangely obsessed with tracking my cycle times! I think the whole blogging thing, and tracking my life in general, started last year when I wasn’t well and wanted to record some of what was going on so that I could spot trends and try to work out what was causing me to be ill, […]