# you @ rosswintle.uk [23:25:51]

Page 18

  • Stepping up the security ladder

    Security - not just on computers, but in other places too - is a trade-off of convenience for safety. Which internet security level are you on? And what could you do to get to the next level?

  • Catching a Tailwind: My components revelation

    A huge number of people in my tech circles seemed to love Adam Wathan's Tailwind CSS framework. But, for some reason, I just didn't get it. Until I had this revelation about components that has caused me to go and take a serious look.

  • Understanding web "components"

    The pre-amble to my Tailwind thoughts in which I lay down my goal to properly get to grips with "components"

  • Freelance Routines

    My answer to the question “how do you fit everything in?” that’s often asked by family-focussed freelancers. Hopefully some useful tips for others.

  • Celebrating sensitivity

    People with a high attention to detail or years of experience may seem to be negative, disruptive, “no-go”’people that stand in the way of progress and disrupt innovation. But have super powers and you should celebrate them.

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