I want to talk (again) about friction. Things that slow us down. How some friction is good, and some is bad.
Creativity, curiosity, and code
# you @
I want to talk (again) about friction. Things that slow us down. How some friction is good, and some is bad.
I have a new job!
I have just moved out of my old "proper office" and into a new garden studio. Here's why and how!
I haven’t written for a while. I haven’t been creative in many ways of late. Not the normal ways anyway. Most of my coding projects are stalled. I’ve not been doing much deeper thinking about things. So what have I been doing? Well, mainly, I’ve been: So yes, lots of change. I’ll keep this post […]
I made a server-less Scrabble clone that saves data in URLs. This post explains why and how, including a primer on binary data representations, and a little JavaScript library to help do this using BigInts!
There is a balance to be found between "inlining" multiple expressions, and using temporary variables. You may also learn about short-circuit evaluation here!
Refactoring complex conditions to make them more readable and easier to work with.
You kinda have a relationship with code from your projects. You probably have feelings about it. As I've been thinking about code style, I've also been thinking about how it's important to build up trust in a code base.