deliciousbrains/wp-cli-up: wp-cli-up
Brad Touesnard’s package for creating a multipass (VM/container) with easy WordPress management. Requires WP-CLI
Creativity, curiosity, and code
Brad Touesnard’s package for creating a multipass (VM/container) with easy WordPress management. Requires WP-CLI
Graphic design tool to remove objects from images
An interesting way of “doing Laravel” where you define stuff by actions and then use those actions as classes, in controllers and in listeners
Really good tips on not taking things personally including blame, overreaction, anger, anxiety, avoidance, criticism/critique/feedback, advice, mistrust, expectations, doubt, clarity, guilt, and needs. I love Brenee Brown’s talk on Blame.
Excellent-looking course on code reviewing
Reference of simple, useful sed commands
Nice web app for generating screenshots of code, like carbon, but better
Free, open source, reverse dictionary
Excellent nginx web server config generator tool