robertnicjoo/invisible-recaptcha at laravelnews
Invisible (v3) Google ReCAPTCHA package for Laravel
Creativity, curiosity, and code
Invisible (v3) Google ReCAPTCHA package for Laravel
Laravel package for validation of multiple values in a single field, delimited by some character or string.
Useful HTML and CSS tricks that can replace some JavaScript code. Including breaking/clamping lines at a maximumm, position sticky, and some scrolling tips
A simple, full-screen, web-based timer.
Self hosted, web-based DNS lookup.
Excellent collection of marketing knowledge and case studies. The website version of the excellent Twitter threads.
Interesting looking tool for inspecting CSS on websites and editing too
Interesting web inspection tool. Not as good looking as CSSScan, but much cheaper.
I THINK this is an excellent article on the arguments over the use of Later Flow Tests. However, is it just me, or does it miss any big discussion of behaviour of people who are false negatives? That’s where the risk is, right?
Did you know that a plugin hosted on the Plugin Directory can use a markdown file instead of readme.txt?