A few simple facts about your privacy on my site:
- I use cookies to track visits to this site.
- A cookie is a small data file that is stored in your web browser and allows you to be identifed each time you visit.
- Cookies themselves do not contain any personal data about you and do not personally identify who you are. Cookies don’t tell me who you are, but they tell me if you return to my site.
- I’m currently using both WordPress Stats and Google Analytics to track visits to the site.
- Both WordPress and Google may also store cookies in your web browser.
- The usage data collected is stored on WordPress and Google’s servers.
- I do not publish or share any of the collected usage data and have taken reasonable security precautions to protect any data collected.
- If you wish to opt out of this usage data collection then please disable cookies or use a browser plugin that disables Javascript such as NoScript.
- If you choose to comment then that’s great, but I have the last word on all comments and can choose to approve comments or not for any reason whatsoever.
- If you comment then, obviously, I collect and store additional information from you in order to let you do this. This information may be published to make the comments system work. Only provide this information if you are willing for it to be published on the internet.
I don’t want to make reading my site full of legal complications, but I’m supposed to tell you these things.