PointlessOne :loading: (@pointlessone@status.pointless.one)

Can I …?

⚠️ This is a long post. If your client has issues with it try viewing it on the web.

We all know and love Can I Use? And over the years I stumbled upon a few other useful tools with a Can I …? type of name. So I decided to see what’s out there.

So I downloaded all* zone files from ICANN, as one does. Found all the domains that start with `cani` and here’s what I found.

* Well, not exactly all. Some GTLD admins are a bit cagy or require too much data to get access. But I’ve got all the popular ones and then some.

— Humorous, sarcastic

Let’s start with simpler ones. These are humorous or satirical. They’re often completely static, too.

• [Can I Trust Google?](https://canitrustgoogle.com/)
• [Can I Teach English?](https://caniteachenglish.com/)
• [Can I Poo?](https://canipoo.com/)
• [Can I Shit Now?](https://canishitnow.com/)
• [Can I Have a Pass?](https://canihaveapass.com/) — I don’t know who JR is but they seem to be unable to have a pass.
• [Can I Go Visit Puerto Rico?](https://canigovisitpuertorico.com/)
• [Can I Fuck My Phone Yet?](http://canifuckmyphoneyet.com/) — I assume it’s a static page and doesn’t really track this specific event.
• https://canideploy.today/
• [Can I Use a Purchased Email List?](https://caniuseapurchasedemaillist.com/)
• [Can I Buy Your Username?](https://canibuyyourusername.com/) — `rant` OK, let me tell you that I’m thoroughly unimpressed with this one. It’s 3 characters with 2 colors. But it’s built in Dart/Flutter and weights 2.5 MB. This page could’ve been smaller than this rant. `/rant`
• [Can I Have a Cappuccino?](https://canihaveacappuccino.com/)
• [Can I Have Some Coffee?](https://canihavesome.coffee/)
• [Can I @eldon?](https://caniatsymboleldon.reisen/)
• [Can I Afford a Porsche?](https://caniaffordaporsche.com/)
• [Can I Do It?](https://canidoit.net/)
• [Can I be a Developer?](https://canibeadeveloper.com/)
• [Can I Redeploy?](https://caniredeploy.com/)
• [Can I Stop Working?](https://canistopworking.com/)
• [Can I Wear Yellow?](https://caniwearyellow.com/)

— Simple tools

These are simple tools that require very few inputs (sometimes none at all) and give a simple (or static) answer but are actually useful.

• [CanITrack.online](http://canitrack.online/) — check your browser fingerprint.
• [Can I has :has?](https://canihashas.com/)
• [Can I Reach the Net?](https://canireachthe.net/) — if it loads, you can. Simple
• [Can I Enjoy It?](https://canienjoyit.com/) — tells you whether a product is made by a company with ties to Israel.
• [Can I Dodge?](https://canidodge.com/) — TBH, I don’t know what this is. If you know, please tell me so I could update this post.
• [Can I Discuss Pay?](https://canidiscusspay.com/)
• [Can I Upgrade to Big Sur Today?](https://caniupgradetobigsur.today/) — I’m not sure if this still works as expected.
• [Can I Trust the Bible?](https://canitrustthebible.com/) — research of accuracy of different versions the Bible.
• [Can I Still Win?](https://canistillwin.com/) — some sort of tournament outcome prediction but I don’t know which one.
• [Can I Snack?](https://canisnack.com/) — spaced repetition for snacks.
• [Can I Force You to Meditate?](https://caniforceyoutomeditate.com/) — introduction to meditation for those who like a challenge.
• [Can I Dig to China?](https://canidigtochina.com) — actually, it’s Where can I dig to from my backyard?
• [Can I Put My Tree Up?](https://caniputmytreeup.com/) — dates are hard. This one helps answering this specific question without having to consult a calendar.
• [Can I call?](https://canicall.info/) — time zones are even harder than dates. This will tell you if it’s an OK time for a call elsewhere on the planed.
• [Can I Bring Wine?](https://canibringwine.com/) and [Can I Bring Wine to the Bowl?](https://canibringwinetothebowl.com/) — tells you if you can bring wine to the Hollywood Bowl on any specific date. Or maybe it’s just whether there’s a show there on that date, I don’t know.
• [Can I Blame It on Solarflares?](https://caniblameitonsolarflares.com/)
• [Can I be Loud?](https://canibeloud.com/)
• [Can I #ballotselfie?](https://caniballotselfie.com/) — this is for USA only. Apparently, every state has its own rules about ballot photos.
• [Can I Afford?](https://www.caniafford.info/) — the basics of financial responsibility.

—— Outdoorsy tools

• [Can I Ride?](https://caniride.bike/) – tells you if canyons around Salt Lake City (USA) are open for bikes.
• [Can I Kayak?](https://canikayak.com/) – tells if Harpeth River (Bellevue, Tn, USA) is good for kayaking.
• [Can I Get Under the Bridge?](https://canigetunderthebridge.com/) — it’s unclear which bridge.
• [Can I Bike Today?](http://canibiketoday.com/) — again, unclear where but seems like somewhere in the USA.
• [Can I BBQ?](https://canibbq.today/) — activity-specific weather forecast.

— Advanced tools

These are tools that either require a lot of input, or provide more complex or exhaustive information.

—— Dev tools

• [Can I Use …?](https://caniuse.com/) — of course.
• [Can I Email …?](https://www.caniemail.com/) — Can I Use for email.
• [Can I WebView …?](https://caniwebview.com/) — Can I Use for WebViews.
• [Can I Animate …?](http://canianimate.com/) — what CSS properties can be animated.
• [Can I Video?](https://canivideo.com/) — tells you what video/audio formats/codecs are supported by your browser.
• [Can I Watch Video?](https://caniwatchvideo.online/) — despite the name give you much more information about features supported by your browser.
• [Can I use: Notify](https://caniusenotify.app/) — this app will notify you when a specific feature becomes available in specific browsers.
• [Can I Stop?](https://canistop.net/) — I guess, this tells you whether you can stop supporting a specific browser.
• [CanIA11y.com](http://cania11y.com) — this redirect to [Accessibility Support](https://a11ysupport.io/) but I’ll allow it because domain starts with Can I and it’s a cool tool.
• [Can I read It?](https://canireadit.com/) — how readable is your text?
• [Can I DevTools?](https://www.canidev.tools/) — what features are available in different browsers’ Dev Tools.
• [Can I PHP?](https://caniphp.com/) — Can I Use for PHP features.
• [Can I Use Node?](https://caniusenode.com/) — API compatibility table for different JS runtimes.
• [Can I Depend on X Already?](https://canidepend.com/) — compatibility tables for libraries and interpreters on Linux distributions. No Gentoo, though.
• [Can I Log4j?](https://canilog4j.com/) — log4j exploitability index.

—— Outdoors

• [Can I Use a Hammock?](https://caniuseahammock.com/) — the tool to achieve maximum comfort.
• [Can I Keep This Disc I Found?](https://canikeepthisdiscifound.com/) — I think this might be applicable to other stuff you find out there.
• [Can I Have UKARA?](https://canihaveukara.com/) — imitation firearms are regulated in the UK so require permits for airsoft matches.
• [Can I Fly a Kite?](https://caniflyakite.com/) — activity-specific weather forecast.
• [Can I Fly?](https://canifly.app/) — planes are outdoors, right?

—— TV

• [Can I Skip It?](https://caniskipit.com/) — this is a neat idea. It tells you which episodes are essential and which you can skip in a show. Unfortunately, it only has a guide for X-Files. I guess, they don’t film show the way they used to any more.
• [Can I Has a Show plz?](https://canihasashowplz.com/) — give it three shows you like and it will recommend you another.
• [Can I Binge?](https://canibinge.com/) — tv show binge calculator.

—— Games

• [Can It Run Doom?](https://canitrundoom.org/) — technically it’s not Can I but it’s too cool to skip. It’s an extensive database of Doom running on things that are not a first-choice platform. There are challenges, too.
• [Can It Game?](https://canitgame.com) — a big database of PC with a gaming slant.
• [Can I Host a Minecraft Server?](http://canihostaminecraftserver.com/) —probably outdated.
• [Can I Play Ingress After 27 May?](https://caniplayingressafter27may.lol/) — checks if your phone can run Ingress.
• [Can I Hit This?](http://canihitthis.com/) — DnD attack calculator. Initiative tracker as a bonus.
• [Can I Win?](https://caniwin.com/) — holdem poker odds calculator.

—— Cars

• [Can I Tow This?](https://canitowthis.com/) — towing calculator. I don’t understand anything here but it seem like it might be USA-specific.
• [Can I Afford a Car?](https://caniaffordacar.com/) — car calculator.
• [Can I Afford?](https://caniafford.app/) — can you afford a luxury vehicle like a Tesla Model Y or Porsche 911?

—— Other tools

• [Can I Text 911?](https://canitext911.com/) — this is for the USA.
• [Can I Tell My Boss to Fuck Off?](https://canitellmybosstofuckoff.com/) and [Can I Tell My Boss to Shove It?](https://canitellmybosstoshoveit.com/) — these are basically the same. FIRE calculator, I guess.
• [Can I Take This Class?](https://canitakethisclass.com/) — predict your chances of getting the classes you want at UIUC. Works (only) at every four year university in Champaign-Urbana, IL, USA.
• [Can I Have Another Beer?](https://canihaveanotherbeer.com/) — shows you closest bars on a map.
• [Can I Compost It?](https://canicompostit.com/) — apparently composting is not as simple as one might think.
• [Can I Airfry It?](https://caniairfryit.lol/) — airfying is at least as complex as composting.
• [Can I be Yours ❤️?](https://canibeyours.com/) — generalisation of relationship establishment. Now you are not confined by the limitations of Tinder. With this you can find a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or even an enemy.
• [Can I Send You an Email?](https://canisendyouan.email/) — social networking the old school way.
• [Can I be pwned?](https://canibepwned.com/) — no affiliataion to Have I been pwned?. Not sure how trustworthy this is.
• [Can I Secure …?](https://canisecure.com/) — a bunch of guide on how to be secure on the internet.
• [Can I Publish This?](https://canipublishthis.com/) — helps figuring out whether you