• My new CSS framework: SUCSS!

    Everyone is writing about CSS, and I work with CSS, so I guess I should write about CSS too. Here's the new idea: SUCSS!

  • Not all software development processes are equal

    Coding is easy / software engineering is hard – we need more engineers! Foreward: This post has been in my drafts for ages. I’m hesitant to publish because…well…how could little old me have a valid critique of such a software engineering giant? Yet I keep reading it and I’m really happy with what I’ve written […]

  • Skirting the iOS/Safari audio auto-play policy for UI sound effects

    In some cases involving asynchronous operations, Safari's auto-playing media policies seem to prevent playing sounds, when playing them should be OK and when other browsers are fine with playing them. Here's a dive into it with example code and a workaround!

  • On balance of creativity and passivity with kids and screentime

    This is from a great episode of the ChangeLog podcast that interviews Tim Bell, the founder and creator of CS Unplugged: a collection of free teaching material that teaches computer science through engaging games and puzzles. I struggle with how much screentime our kids have. Perhaps this quote will inspire is to do more creative things […]


    In which I lament my own utter incompetence, but also switch back from VS Code to PHPStorm in a flash and cry quietly over programming languages.

  • Re-learning to learn to code (and discovering JavaScript’s foibles!)

    I don’t know JS So I’ve kinda got stuck in to learning JavaScript. I’ve previously said that I think JavaScript is like the assembler of the web: coding in vanilla JS isn’t really something you should do because it’s too easy to get things wrong, so you should have a layer of abstraction on top. […]

  • Thoughts on going to Uni

    There's a great discussion going on on Emma Mulqueeny's blog that's people giving advice to a young person who's thinking about going to Uni to study computer science, or something similar. Here's my take on the matter (slightly edited).

  • I’m a PHP Expert!

    OK, OK, yes, this post is partly blatent self-promotion, but it’s also a moment of honesty and a hopefully-interesting reflection on an interesting little test that I did today.