Are text-based deep-fakes OK?
What do we make of a deepfake "interview" with a text-based AI trained on the words of a real person?
Creativity, curiosity, and code
What do we make of a deepfake "interview" with a text-based AI trained on the words of a real person?
I’m being kept awake and was catching up on Facebook when I read this ridiculous article: The Facebook post asked for comments. I wrote this in response: SO many things wrong with the comments from the police. First of all I’m totally with Andy, cyclists should obey the law. There’s no excuse for illegally […]
I just belatedly picked up today’s Guardian and there’s a supplement called ‘Green‘ which is ‘published quarterly and is an independent magazine’. The editorial says what’s in the issue, including ‘assessing the pros and cons of different vehicle choices to get you there without costing the earth’. Marvellous…only, the article is ACTUALLY about new motor […]
Well there you go then Mr Phillips - you're transport secretary and you won't cycle because it's too dangerous. I think you have identified one of the key problems that you need to sort out.
A trip up North: Good Cyclists, Bad Cyclists, Pirates and Platzgeist.
You know, it never occurred to me that the term "fossil fuels" contained the word "fossil" and that this is hugely significant.
Cutting carbon emissions is the focus of 10:10 and maybe it's good that it has a clear focus. But we must do more than cut carbon!