Garden Progress

Still way behind on the blog (I have lots of back-dated posts to write up), but it’s just not a priority right now.

I did want to quickly give an update on the garden, as this is something that IS taking up a lot of our time and IS a priority.

We now have three rows of potatoes growing and three rows of onions, with a fourth of each planted. We’re fighting the weeds off a bit at the moment too and I suspect that this will be a daily activity over the summer.

The spuds are awesome. These photos were taken about a week ago, but now that they’ve got leaves above ground they’re growing at a phenomenal rate. You can see the difference from day to day. It’s quite incredible and exciting.

While they’ve been growing we’ve been clearing more weeds and Sally’s been planting Leeks, Celery and Tomatoes under plastic indoors. These came up REALLY quickly but are not yet strong and established plants that we can plant outside.

The digging and weeding has been hard and slow work but we are getting there. The photos below show you what we’re dealing with.

Here’s the whole plot:

And here’s before and after shots of a patch that we’ve cleared (actually different patches but you get the idea…this is what we’re going from and to):

So, it’s hard work but rewarding, and on a sunny 27 degree day like today, not really what you want to be doing for several hours.