Announcing Beyond WP

WordPress developers: Today I’m opening sign ups to a newsletter I’ll be starting soon called Beyond WP.

It will be a resource that brings developer tools and ideas from outside the WordPress ecosystem to WordPress developers.

I’ve worked with WordPress for around ten years. I love it as a CMS. But I often feel like I push it to its limits. As a back-end developer who deals with complex data and builds applications, I’ve needed alternatives.

And I found the Laravel framework!

Learning Laravel and being immersed in its ecosystem – the tooling, the learning resources, the people in the community – has been hugely beneficial for my work and career. Including ongoing WordPress work.

And I want to bring those benefits to others who’ve not found these things yet.

Sure, I’m not the only person that spans WordPress and Laravel worlds. But I made a WordPress-to-Laravel course, and some videos about useful PHP tools. And I’ve come to see one of my roles as being a bridge between these communities.

Beyond WP gives some structure to this. To start with, it will be an occasional email (I can’t promise a schedule) with useful stuff from outside the WP bubble that I think will interest and inspire WordPress developers.

If people like it I may expand the format.

I hope you will read more and sign up at, and please share this with others. You can follow on Twitter @beyond_wp too.

Join me in taking a step Beyond WP! It’s exciting and inspiring and fun.