Book: The Way of Kings – Brandon Sanderson

I actually finished this a good while ago. I’d heard a lot about Brandon Sanderson, and – as is my probably-not-very-ethical-really way – I saw The Book of Kings on offer on Kobo and bought it to see if I could get into it.

And WHAT a book.

I mean, it’s epic. Literally. It’s huge. And I’m a slow reader. But I did make it through. And I was entranced by the world that had been created and the story that was set before me.

I DID love it.

There were downsides though. Some of the descriptive parts – especially of battles – were just really very ridiculously long and drawn out. It was slow and hard-going at time.

And the ending was pretty disappointing too. I knew it was part one of at least five and maybe several more. But even with that knowledge the ending should have been a relief, but instead I felt the weight of the next tome already upon me.

I will have a break, but yes, book 2 is lined up ready to go.
