Book: Tribes – Seth Godin

I have a proper day off so I’m catching up with some writing/sharing.

I’ve finished a few books recently, which is very unlike me!

I have a few Seth Godin ebooks lined up in my wishlist on Kobo. This one got reduced to super-cheap and I bought it and read it pretty quickly. It’s not long.

This was my first Godin book, and I have to say it was disappointing. Perhaps it’s not his best? I don’t know.

It just felt like lots of short blog posts mashed together into a not-actually-all-that-coherant whole.

It’s about how traditional marketing can (in some cases, I guess) be replaced by what I would call community-building:

Marketing used to be about advertising, and advertising is expensive. Today, marketing is about engaging with the tribe and delivering products and services with stories that spread.

And it’s just some stories and thoughts and encouragements on that theme. Though I didn’t come away remembering much of what I’d read. So it wasn’t that impactful.

Ideas that spread, win. Boring ideas don’t spread. Boring organizations don’t grow. Working in an environment that is static is no fun. Even worse, working for an organization that is busy fighting off change is horrible.

Ironic, then, that I found Godin’s ideas pretty boring?