• Turbo Admin: Philosophy and inner-workings

    With the release of CommandUI there has suddenly been a lot of people looking deeply at how my own product Turbo Admin works. This post addresses some of the philosophy behind Turbo Admin, and clarifies some things about the tool that aren't necessarily obvious.

  • The Turbo Admin “Business Model”

    I feel I should say some things about the “business model” behind Turbo Admin, my command palette for WordPress. I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

  • On command palettes and competition

    If you don’t know, three years ago I made and launched a WordPress “command palette” tool called Turbo Admin. Now, there’s a new WordPress command palette on the block (no pun intended)! And actually, it looks really awesome and Calvin did a great job. I give you CommandUI! You should check it out. I love […]

  • Book: Down and out in the Magic Kingdom – Cory Doctorow

    Well this was a wild ride. I’ve not read anything like this before. I got a collection of eBooks of Cory Doctorow‘s novels on Humble Bundle. I was curious about his fiction work. I think this book fits into the category of post-scarcity sci-fi. It’s Doctorow’s first novel and is actually released under a creative […]

  • Book: Living Better – Alastair Campbell

    If you just read my review of Seth Godin’s “Tribes” and now read this you’ll probably think I’m in a right grumpy mood. But I’m not. But the truth is, I was disappointed by this book too. Mostly, I wasn’t expecting it to be so biographical. Campbell is very open about mental health and a […]

  • Book: Tribes – Seth Godin

    I have a proper day off so I’m catching up with some writing/sharing. I’ve finished a few books recently, which is very unlike me! I have a few Seth Godin ebooks lined up in my wishlist on Kobo. This one got reduced to super-cheap and I bought it and read it pretty quickly. It’s not […]

  • Old tabs: Part 9

    The ninth set of ten links as I close down my open tabs on my mobile. Games, databases and online virtual computers.

  • Old tabs: Part 8

    The eighth set of ten links as I close down my open tabs on my mobile. Graphic novels, excellent articles, pen pals, PHP maps, and updates that I hope I did!

  • Old tabs: Part 7

    The seventh set of ten links as I close down my open tabs on my mobile. WordPress search, recipes, and word games.