
Old Tabs: Part 12

My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is still WAY out of hand. So I’m challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 11. You can call it part 2 of season 2 if you like. Yes, I had a LOT of open tabs!

1. Echofeed


Indie dev Robb Knight’s social media cross-posting tool. Great value!

2. Mike Grindle’s Topics List


I’m not sure why I bookmarked this. I THINK it’s an example of a blog being curated and organised by topic which I thought was a good idea. I guess that happens on my (WordPress) blog with categories.

3. Two books, no longer apart – Ethan Marcotte

Ethan’s blog post announcing that two of this three books, previously published by A Book Apart, are now available for free: The second edition of Responsive Web Design and Responsive Design: Patterns and Principles.

Not in an open tab, but in my bookmarks already, is a complete list of A Book Apart books that are now free to read.

4. The case against static typing in PHP – Tony Marston


This is WAY too long and repetitive. And I eventually decided that I disagreed with this. But it made me think hard. And it made me realise that my own 25 years of software development experience is as equally valid as people who write posts like this.

5. litecli


A CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

6. Joey Junior JR V2++ (Gameboy Cart Writer)


As a proud owner of an Analogue Pocket I’m sure I will own a cart writer at some point. This is, apparently, a good one!

7. Guild Builds


Games you should play instead of the official New York Times games while their tech teams were on strike. <- Not a NYT link!

8. Do not use secrets in environment variables and here’s how to do it better – Node Security


Good article on web application security. Worth a read. Nice to see Alain Schlesser quoted.

9. Before you buy a domain name, first check to see if it’s haunted – Bryan Braun


More good advice on how to use the web well.

10. Let’s Go – Learn to Build Professional Web Applications with Go


I really want to learn Go at some point. This is a recommended book on using Go to build web apps.