
Photo of Trees
Signs of Autumn (Hipstamatic)

Despite the leanings of my family and any amount of nature or nurture I’ve never been much of a photographer.  However, this year, with Sally getting a DSLR and with me exploring photography apps on my iPhone (which has a remarkably good camera), my interest has been growing.

Also this year, one friend took up a picture-a-day challenge that he blogged, another new friend of mine attempts a photo a day, and someone else I know used BlipFoto to document a foreign trip.

All of these things piqued my interest in photography, and having the phone with me pretty much everywhere I go means I’m taking quite a few snaps and, I think learning some composition.

So I wondered if photo-a-day might be a good challenge for me.  For one thing my blog needs more images. Plus, I’ve been preaching about media being important in social media strategy and SEO, so I ought to practice too.

I looked at BlipFoto for a photo journal but it has content rules that I don’t get on with (my photos with borders got taken down…no Hipstamatic?!), so I’m going to self host here.

Don’t expect me to post every day. Do expect me to cheat, with the aforementioned Hipstamatic, and the newly discovered Noir bringing my amateur shots to life.  Don’t hesitate to comment. But do be nice and constructive if you can.
