Yeah, I know it was quiet for a while, but I seem to be back. For the time being at least. I’ve updated some of the static pages and posted about some recent things, but there’s a backlog of thoughts to get down too.
I’m now equipped with an iPod Touch (which I will write more about soon!), and I have the WordPress app for that, which is great. It means I can write short, simple posts very easily on the go, or without needing to fire up my laptop or desktop.
But it’s not good for rich text!
So, you may see some simple, plain-text postings in the future and they’re probably posted from my iPod. I may get the chance to tidy some of them up, post-posting, if you see what I mean, but not always.
And remember, these are mostly badly-scrawled notes to self. Things I want to record, reflect upon and look back on at a later date. I’m flattered that others take an interest but my intention isn’t for this to be a popular, flashy, all-singing, all-dancing blog – please bear that in mind as you read.
Thanks to those who take in interest. If I don’t know you’re reading do post a comment at some point, and enjoy the read!