Tech Notes: Laravel hasOneThrough / belongsToThrough confusion
How I found out that I wanted belongsToThrough, not hasOneThrough in Laravel Eloquent, and why it doesn't exist.
Creativity, curiosity, and code
How I found out that I wanted belongsToThrough, not hasOneThrough in Laravel Eloquent, and why it doesn't exist.
A bunch of links I've added to my pinboard including tech, WordPress, Laravel, family, and creativity.
Blocks are a new paradigm. They need complex new user interfaces. And we don't have a common visual language for them.
How and why I made a simple interface for Twitter's advanced search.
A quick tip for testing Laravel Livewire components with object/model properties.
An idea for a CSS-only spam prevention system that uses a white list and simple CAPTCHA, complete with WordPress plugin code.
So I wanted to have a play with Laravel Breeze and Jetstream. In doing so I noticed that the instructions for Breeze (and for Laravel in general) suggest a Docker-based Laravel Sail install by default. I had not looked into Docker despite a lot of hype around it recently in my tech world. So I […]
Some brief and random thoughts on the excellent book "Sustainable Web Development"
How to host domain redirects for free with Netlify.
A very scattergun, brain dump of thoughts about the WP-UI app that I'm developoing in Electron.