• Where are my MySQL database files on MacOS?

    My 7-year-old MacBook got bricked. So I needed to recover some MySQL files from a Time Machine backup and load them onto a new computer. And so I've been digging around finding out where all my homebrew and MySQL files are. While running mulitple instances of everything! Here's a fairly unstructured brain-dump of all that I've learned (or re-learned) along the way.

  • Apple M1/Apple Silicon Day 1 LIVE

    Follow up – day 3! So, overall I’m pretty happy with the 8GB M1 Air. Outstanding issues I have are: ScreenFlow and some Rogue Amoeba audio apps don’t work – I guess these are doing some clever low-level stuff. I’m having issues importing my MySQL databases from backup. This is not really an M1 specific […]

  • LiveStreams: Discovering Gutenberg

    I'm live-streaming reviewing Gutenberg block-editor plugin releases and exploring new block editor features. Here's some info and thoughts on that.

  • What is “kindness”

    This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the topic is "Kindness". In one online community I hang out in the question has been asked: "What does kindness mean to you?" I thought my answer was worth posting here in public. So...

  • Laravel 5.7 upgrades break published email styles

    I’ve been updating some old Laravel apps and I just came across this issue with updating from 5.6 to 5.7. It’s noted in the upgrade docs (see “Template Theme”) but easy to miss. I know I’ll come across this again, so it’s worth noting here for the future. If you have published your mail templates […]