Small signs of Autumn
Creativity, curiosity, and code
I’m very much NOT a visually creative person, but today have found myself doodling/sketching for a little project! The iPad is very forgiving and seems to add a flourish!
Coding News: I swapped my super-duper IDE for a less-functional text editor – you’ll never guess what happened next! Actually, it was a really good exercise, and here’s why. I was chatting with my friend Keiron today about text editors. I recently followed him in transitioning from Sublime Text to PHPStorm. But I explained to […]
I really really can’t tell you how very proud I am that my son made this for me. ❤️❤️❤️????It says: "82 111 115 115 (Ross)". He wrote Unicode!
A typical conversation over an evening bowl of porridge in the Wintle household. This is how a) one of our children learns random stuff and b) Bedtime takes FOREVER.
From a little while ago…but feeling very relevant today…
Parenting Jenga: a visual note about what life is like sometime
A simple, practical example of how accessibility is good for everyone.
In today's sad-things-I-read-on-Sunday we'd like to bring you the sad tale of a robin who had to abandon her nest.