If you’ve ever felt like you owed me a beer…

My college computing teacher, Ray Burcham, is raising money for the Great Western Hospital radiotherapy unit. This will mean that cancer patients don’t have to travel 30 miles to Oxford for daily cancer treatment.


This man is the reason I’m writing code today. So if you’ve ever had some advice, good-value work, IT support, any mentoring or coaching or benefitted from a talk I’ve given, blog post I’ve written, or screencast I’ve made…basically, if you’ve ever thought you owe me a beer, you probably actually owe it to him.

So go make a donation – he’s nearly at currency_format(0x400, '£'), let’s see if we can get him to at least currency_format(0x800, '£')

Thanks in advance, and thanks Ray for being an awesome, inspiring, fun, helpful teacher and friend.