
  • Middle…everything?

    I feel like I'm in a stereotypical, middle-class, middle-England, middle-aged parody of my own life.

  • Bike! Hat! Wow!

    I’ve always been a keen cyclist in one way or another, and even more so since we moved to Swindon. So it’s quite amazing that its taken so long to get us using bikes as a family to get around. There’s been several reasons for this. For one, my ‘workhorse’ bike has had a wobbly […]

  • Going Digital: Books

    This is part of a mini-series of posts about 'Going Digital'. If you missed it you might want to read the introduction. Books and Me In theory, I love books. I'd love to be the kind of person that finishes a decent book once a week. In reality I'm great at starting reading books, and […]

  • Going Digital: Music

    This is part of a mini-series of posts about 'Going Digital'. If you missed it you might want to read the introduction. My History of Digital Music Here's a little potted history of digital music in my life. Let me let you in to a little secret: I thought Mini-Discs were great! But the rest […]

  • Going Digital – Introduction

    You might think: ‘Ross? Yeah, he’s a real geek. All the latest gadgets.’ But it’s not quite true. And it’s especially not true in the world of entertainment. We barely have HDTV, I’m not a big gamer, and we still buy most of our music on CD and we purchase real paper books. But I’ve […]

  • Mailbox – high-speed email management

    I’ve mentioned a couple of times recently that I use the Mailbox App for (some of my) email tasks.  People have mixed views about it, and I confess, I wasn’t so sure about it at first.  But I made one little tweak to it that’s made it one of my favourite tools. Mailbox aims to […]

  • Roundabouts and Crop Circles

    Crop circles were big in Wiltshire when I was a lad. Really big. And one of Wiltshire’s biggest towns, my home town of Swindon, is really big on roundabouts. Co-incidence? Well…I’ve always said that there was a link. Crop circles seem to be an ideal way for traffic planners to try out new layouts in […]

  • A +1 for Google

    I confess, I followed most of the Google I/O Keynote Speech on Wednesday. The Verge sums it up), or you can watch the entire 3.5 hours below. It was at times very dull, but there was an awful lot of very clever stuff in there. It’s probably known that I’m a fan of what Google […]

  • Starbucks Tills

    The number of beverage combinations a Starbucks till has to handle is HUGE. I wonder why their tills don't rapidly descend into a chaotic mess of soft-buttons.