
  • Transport Secretary

    Well there you go then Mr Phillips - you're transport secretary and you won't cycle because it's too dangerous. I think you have identified one of the key problems that you need to sort out.

  • A Little Re-branding

    We are now, hopefully, post-identity-crisis, and if you follow me on Twitter you'll have picked up on that, but a few other things are changing as a result of that too.

  • A Crisis of Identity

    Some of you may know that I’ve been contemplating “coming out” and revealing my identity, being a bit more up-front about who I am.  Here’s some more thoughts on the subject.

  • What’s Next Then?

    Work is a topic that I've pretty much banned myself from writing about here. But I feel its time has come. Not my current work, job, or career. No. It's time to start talking about what might be next.

  • Paris in the Spring

    Visiting Paris was good, going by train was good, staying in the Latin Quarter was good.

  • Update on Chicken with Buses

    I'd like to personally and publicly thank Thamesdown Transport for a quick, thorough, and highly professional response.

  • Chicken

    A quaint picture of Swindon in the morning "rush" hour...and then...