
  • Plain Posts

    I'm now equipped with an iPod Touch and the Wordpress app, so you may see some simple, plain-text postings in the future.

  • Crossings

    Perhaps my own safety, and that of those around me, is more important than making a point about the rules of the road?

  • To Phish, or not to Phish?

    I received an email from my TV and Broadband provider yesterday. Well, I think it was them.

  • 10:10

    Cutting carbon emissions is the focus of 10:10 and maybe it's good that it has a clear focus. But we must do more than cut carbon!

  • GB09

    I had my first outing to Greenbelt two years ago, in a group and I wasn’t too sure what to make of it. This year, lovely wife and I went by ourselves, for the day.  And it was a completely different experience. Back in 2007 we were trying to make arrangements with others to be […]

  • A weeque in Fronce

    Trains, cars, castles, great food and drink, brilliant friends and good times in Bordeaux.

  • The Garden – Pest Control

    Sometimes my destructive tendencies are accidental, but at other times I take on the role of defender of the garden and have to take action to control the unwanted creatures.