• A +1 for Google

    I confess, I followed most of the Google I/O Keynote Speech on Wednesday. The Verge sums it up), or you can watch the entire 3.5 hours below. It was at times very dull, but there was an awful lot of very clever stuff in there. It’s probably known that I’m a fan of what Google […]

  • Celebration or Convenience?

    It now seems that it's my responsibility to publish the fact that it's my birthday. This is a new piece of knowledge to me. I've always assumed that people put these things in their calendars anyway. What other assumptions that I have about the world might have changed because of social media?

  • Rules of Engagement

    Oops.  I’ve caused a bit of a stir on Twitter in the last 24 hours.  Nothing big, and I thnk it ended amicably, but I certainly feel responsible for some possibly negative comments.  So what happened?  And what did I, and us Twitter users, learn from it?

  • Communication

    A simple but genius way to make group emails better!