• PressGram

    Thoughts on the new Instagram-like PressGram social network and photo app.

  • Mailbox – high-speed email management

    I’ve mentioned a couple of times recently that I use the Mailbox App for (some of my) email tasks.  People have mixed views about it, and I confess, I wasn’t so sure about it at first.  But I made one little tweak to it that’s made it one of my favourite tools. Mailbox aims to […]

  • A +1 for Google

    I confess, I followed most of the Google I/O Keynote Speech on Wednesday. The Verge sums it up), or you can watch the entire 3.5 hours below. It was at times very dull, but there was an awful lot of very clever stuff in there. It’s probably known that I’m a fan of what Google […]

  • Starbucks Tills

    The number of beverage combinations a Starbucks till has to handle is HUGE. I wonder why their tills don't rapidly descend into a chaotic mess of soft-buttons.

  • Takes of Ducks

    Lots of people have been taking up the new Vine app that lets you record 6 second videos and gotten really enthusiastic about it. Some people have done some really creative things with it and the 6-second limit kinda forces you to be creative. It reminds me of the early days of Twitter where people […]

  • Oooh, so THAT’S what it should sound like

    There’s something I’ve been meaning to do for years now. I’m quite partial to my music. I know that my taste’s aren’t amazing, but I like what I like.  And sometimes – when the house is empty – I like to have it a bit louder. Now that Sally’s back at work and Isaac’s at […]

  • Facebook Photo Sync

    Not that I’ll be using it but…I knew Facebook were going to do photo sync from mobiles. Has it been announced? Or did they sneak it in?

  • Facebook’s Flaws

    After minimising my Facebook presence and deleting all my Instagram photos I wanted to explain a bit more why I’ve done those things. I’m finding it quite hard to articulate succinctly, but I’ll give it a go anyway. I know that Instagram have backtracked on their new terms and conditions around what they will do […]

  • Consolidating the Networks

    So it seems like the fuss about Instagram’s Terms and Conditions was over-hyped. It always seemed that way. But it has pushed me over a tipping point anyway. Yesterday and today have seen me starting to process of deleting data from Facebook and Instagram, and seriously considering what other social networking accounts I have.

  • Open Source vs Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software

    I think the key difference between open-source and proprietary (closed-source) software isn't openness, documentation, flexibility, or cost. It's that people who write OpenSource software give a damn. They care.