• You’ve got Mail

    In similar vein to the last pic, this one shows code. But it’s specific code. This is an email header: the writing on the envelope, the stamp, the ‘return to sender’, that gets you message from sender to recipient. I’ve been working a lot with emails in the last couple of days, trying to find […]

  • Code is Beautiful

    I’m seeing a lot of this these days. I’ve seen plenty of attempts at photographing code and I do find something beautiful in it. Not always symmetry, but patterns emerge and individual characters blend together into broader ‘brush strokes’ that appear. But it’s not just static either: this is the engine room of that increasingly […]

  • Thoughts on going to Uni

    There's a great discussion going on on Emma Mulqueeny's blog that's people giving advice to a young person who's thinking about going to Uni to study computer science, or something similar. Here's my take on the matter (slightly edited).

  • All change – Sky to Virgin Media

    So, life's a bit different now to how it was a few months ago. I'm earning less and working from home, so it's time to review a few things. And one change worthy of mention is my broadband supplier.

  • Celebration or Convenience?

    It now seems that it's my responsibility to publish the fact that it's my birthday. This is a new piece of knowledge to me. I've always assumed that people put these things in their calendars anyway. What other assumptions that I have about the world might have changed because of social media?

  • What do I do now?

    Bizarrely this is not a post about my job hunting/exploration of work options.  It’s a post about user experience with software. I did a module at University about human computer interaction and it was fascinating.  I love exploring psychology and how people interact with each other, themselves and what’s around them.  So I’ve been enjoying […]

  • I’m a PHP Expert!

    OK, OK, yes, this post is partly blatent self-promotion, but it’s also a moment of honesty and a hopefully-interesting reflection on an interesting little test that I did today.

  • Rules of Engagement

    Oops.  I’ve caused a bit of a stir on Twitter in the last 24 hours.  Nothing big, and I thnk it ended amicably, but I certainly feel responsible for some possibly negative comments.  So what happened?  And what did I, and us Twitter users, learn from it?

  • iPhone vs Android

    What sort of mobile device does a person like me have?