There’s something I’ve been meaning to do for years now.
I’m quite partial to my music. I know that my taste’s aren’t amazing, but I like what I like. And sometimes – when the house is empty – I like to have it a bit louder.

Now that Sally’s back at work and Isaac’s at nursery 2.5 days a week, I’ll have more time to myself. So I spent some of my Christmas money on these. There’s a pair of them, and a sub-woofer too. They perch on my desk and my hope was that they’d be far superior to the tinny chimes of my laptop or iPad’s speakers.
I really wasn’t sure what I’d get for my money. And if I’m truthful? I’m really pleased. They’re actually far too loud and the bass box could really cause issues with the neighbours. I’ve got it turned down to “just about audible”. Let’s hope the neighbors are out during the day too!
They’re amazing though, and it’s so nice to hear music so much more clearly. I think I’ll spend the next month putting on old tunes and exclaiming: “So THAT’S what it should sounds like!”