# you @ rosswintle.uk [20:25:33]

Page 31

  • So, 2017, should I propose a WordCamp talk on coding basics?

    Yes, it’s the third of January and I’m writing a blog post so you’d be quite entitled to think that I’ve started some new year’s resolution to write more and am already three two days behind.  And, well, that’s not strictly true, but it is partly true. What I have been doing is putting together […]

  • Websites without photos

    Examples of websites that use no, or very few photos, simplifying design choices, and making them super fast.

  • Anxiety is normal

    The people around you - your family, your colleagues, your friends, all probably have anxieties. You may never know it. Go easy on them!

  • The Podcast Podcast — a satirical lesson in boring audio formats

    On my walk to work today I was listening to a podcast. I can’t help but think that format isn’t quite right. Here’s a transcript of how not to make a boring piece of audio. With apologies to anyone that makes podcasts — I actually admire and respect your work. Consider this “constructive feedback”, and I hope […]

  • Software doesn’t have to be terrible

    TL;DR: We’re coding for the web all wrong. And it’s mostly because of the languages we’re using. We’re piling hack upon hack upon hack. Good coding principles and practices are becoming more common in web development, but I can’t help wishing we could take a few steps back and start with tools that help us write better […]

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