# you @ rosswintle.uk [23:19:41]

Page 83

  • Song 3…still? What's happening?

    OK, so I should make it clear at this point that, in my head at least, if not on paper, “52 songs” is a concept, not a target. I never thought I’d learn 52 songs this year, but the idea was to learn SOME pop songs this year, the 52 Songs concept was to give […]

  • Taking up Twittering as Facebook Flops

    Who knows when and by whom this is being read, but as I write there is a new little box in the top-right-hand corner of my blog showing something called “Twitter” updates. This is a little something I’ve been playing with and I want to explain why. A Brief History of Social Networking in the […]

  • By Swindon, what a fantastic place?!

    One of the reason that we don’t like Swindon much is it doesn’t have much character or history or culture. Or so we thought! We were eating out the other night and ended up – for what reason I can’t remember – looking up Swindon on Wikipaedia. Turns out it has some quite impressive claims […]

  • Rats, Backs and not cycling.

    It’s been a bit of a hectic time of late so I have another backlog of posts to write. Watch this space for some back-dated things that I didn’t have time to write about properly when they popped into my head. Rats So, our house now smells, quite pungently, of dead rat. At least we […]

  • Song 3: Del Amitri's 'Nothing Ever Happens' – Update

    MOSTLY learnt all of the words and the chords were pretty simple. It’s been a busy week and this will roll on to next week now. Looks like I’m only make 51 songs. 🙁 Oh well – at least I haven’t bailed out completely yet!

  • Transformations!

    So, when we moved into our house the front room looked kinda like this: It should be pointed out that the red stripe was NOT our idea. The general mess and clutter was. Now, Sally has put a LOT of work into the painting. Her approach is very much little bits here and there whenever […]

  • First few days on the new Bike

    So…now it’s dry I’ve been able to have a few days commuting on the Felt (which Sally has suggested be called “Fuzzy”…Fuzzy Felt…geddit?). What’s it like? Well. IT’S AWESOME. It’s so comfortable that it seems to be helping my bad back get better. It’s so light. It’s so quick. Actually, it doesn’t seem to have […]

  • Living and learning

    On the New Bike – Off the New Bike – Lessons in Wallpapering Today was supposed to be really exciting – it turned out to be quite depressing. Mostly. It did in fact end on a high – but we’ll have to talk about a few lows before then. I’ve been very excited about the […]

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