Tech note: WordPress multisite in sub-domains redirects without path when you have a domain alias
Well this is a super-niche issue that I came across today. I don't have an answer - maybe you do?
Creativity, curiosity, and code
Well this is a super-niche issue that I came across today. I don't have an answer - maybe you do?
Some things I learned on my first in-depth WooCommerce build. Including how to do JavaScript logic on elements in the cart/price totals on the checkout page.
I'm live-streaming reviewing Gutenberg block-editor plugin releases and exploring new block editor features. Here's some info and thoughts on that.
Tinkerwell is a brilliant tool from the Laravel world that I believe can really help WordPress developers. Read up, watch my introductory video, and buy the darned thing!
I'm sure you all know that the rules about how websites use cookies have changed a bit over the last few years. This post explains my current setup for cookie consents and analytics on WordPress sites. And tries to dissuade you from using them in the first place!
A quick bit of WordPress learning on the interaction between ACF, shortcodes, and enqueuing and registering scripts.
I had a realisation: WordPress isn’t focussed on agencies and developers right now - it wants users who can fend for themselves.
I'm a bit stuck with my plans for 2019. The big question really, is: where do I fit in the world of web development?
There are more questions you need to ask about forms than you think.
Surely many of the things that I set up on new WordPress sites with plugins and settings tweaks are solved problems now. So why do I have to add them myself?