Hah. Brilliant. So a good friend of mine posts on Facebook that she is partaking in #21daysofnormal: an attempt to open up the reality of daily life and not hide behind the perfect, filtered life that we probably all post to social media most days.
“glamorous, Instagrammed photos of the little special bits of our lives, which can inadvertently make us feel inadequate or that the rest of our lives don’t match up”
This sounds like a great idea to me. Imposter syndrome is a thing, and I love Steven Furtick’s quote:
“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel”
(Aside: I learned that quote in Gavin Strange’s talk/thing at WebDevConf from which another key takeaway was: “Being crap is OK!”)
So, while I probably won’t make 21 days of it, I’ll try to do a few.
Here is Wintle Towers at 19:06 today. The culmination of a “pre-school day” and pre-tidy-up. This is “peak mess” today. Nothing has been tidied since the inevitable rush-to-get-out-of-the-house at what would have been 8:30 had it not been for “I need a poo” at 8:25.
I should add that said poo was a need of the three year old, not the thirty something year old.
Welcome to normal!