Old tabs: Part 3

My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is WAY out of hand. So I’m challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 3.

I am terrible at keeping up streaks like this. We’ll see how long it lasts.

1. Pepper and Carrot – David Revoy


Just beautiful, free web comics. “A free(libre) and open-source webcomic supported directly by its patrons to change the comic book industry!”

2. Appearing on “…and we have an office Dog” Podcast – Dwi’n Rhys


I follow Rhys as a fellow UK WordPresser. He’s a super nice guy and very experienced. This was a podcast he was on. I don’t think I ever got around to listening to it.

3. An Introvert-Friendly Business Model – Jeffrey Way


Jeffrey runs Laracasts. He seems like just such a smart, humble, kind, and gentle person.

This is an excellent article on creating a business that fits your life and personality.

4. Code Simplicity (free eBook)


This is a free eBook about fundamental laws of software design. 80 pages of PDF. Probably a good read!

5. Turn Any PHP Script into a Native Single-File Binary – Roman Pronskiy


This is an example of how you can use crazywhalecc/static-php-cli to create a PHP script bundled with a static PHP binary that works as a standalone tool. Ideal for CLI tooling. Probably open because I was working on some PHP-based CLI tooling.

6. 67 Weird Debugging Tricks Your Browser Doesn’t Want You to Know – Alan Norbauer


This is a big bunch of debugging tricks for devtools in your browser. 67 is a weird (but big!) number.

7. get_debug_type – PHP


A new function in PHP v8.0 that gets the type name of a variable in a way that is suitable for debugging. Like an improved gettype()

I guess I didn’t know this existed! (So many useful little functions in PHP)

8. Ada & Zangemann – A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream – Free Software Foundation Europe


It’s an illustrated book about a girl who discovers the power of technology to make change. I’d buy it just based on the title!!

9. Thoughtful Block UI for WordPress – Aurooba Ahmed


Aurooba’s excellent and good-value course on creating thoughtful block user interfaces. It’s under an hour of content, but Aurooba is an expert at this stuff and you can learn a lot (yes, I now own this course).

10. Coupling and cohesion in WordPress and beyond – Carl Alexander


An interesting and long article about object oriented software architecture with examples in PHP/WordPress. It’s good to see people bringing good practices and knowledge of software architecture to the WordPress space!