Old tabs: Part 4

My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is WAY out of hand. So I’m challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 4.

I am terrible at keeping up streaks like this. We’ll see how long it lasts.

1. De-coupling Domain Logic in WordPress – Tom McFarlin


More good stuff from Tom on code architecture in WordPress.

2. Create a static build – FrakenPHP


FrakenPHP is a PHP application server written in Go. This help article explains how to use the static-php-cli project to create a statically built PHP application. Useful for me because I was looking at making a statically-built PHP CLI tool.

3. static-php-cli


Docs for the actual static-php-cli project.

4. static-php-cli’s precompiled binaries


Index of static-php-cli’s precompiled binaries. Boring!

5. The Year Twitter Died – The Verge


The Verge’s really excellent, uniquely art-directed article about the death of Twitter in 2023. Funny. Poignant.

6. dnspeep – Julia Evans


Julia (@b0rk) makes amazing educational “Zines” about tech stuff. But she also makes tools that help you understand those things. dnspeep is an experimental tool for spying on your DNS queries.

7. Glorious GMMK 2 Compact 65% Keyboard


I think I had this open as a possible gift for my son. It’s a good quality mechanical gaming keyboard that you build yourself and is highly customisable.

8. Teller – Danny van Kooten


I love Danny’s work. Teller was an attempt at “simple website analytics software that only does aggregate counts”. Seems it’s abandoned, but you can see something of it at https://git.sr.ht/~dvko/teller

9. You don’t need JavaScript for that – Kilian Valkhof


I’m very much into the web platform and using minimal JS and progressive enhancement. So this list of some things that you think you need JavaScript for but maybe don’t is good. Custom switches/toggles; datalist/autosuggest; colour pickers; accordions; and dialogs.

10. The case of the Golden Idol


A recommended game. You can play the first chapter in the browser, which is kinda cool.