Old tabs: Part 9

My habit of keeping interesting things open in tabs on my mobile is WAY out of hand. So I’m challenging myself to blog them as I close them down. 10 a day. This is part 9.

I am terrible at keeping up streaks like this. I’m actually 2 days behind now due to life happening. So you may get multiple posts today!

I say you, I mean, I/me. No one’s actually reading these are they?

1. Pluralistic: Big Tech disrupted disruption (08 Feb 2024)


Long article from Cory Doctorow on how large tech incumbents stifle competition and what we might do about it.

2. puter.com


A neat little computer-on-a-web-page. Describes itself as “a privacy-first personal cloud to keep all your files, apps, and games in one secure place, accessible from anywhere at any time”. Such a cool idea, but I have no idea what to do with it.

It’s been fascinating watching @triptych make cool stuff with it. And the publish-a-folder-as-a-website is amazing! (How do they make money though? 🧐)

3. Building my first htmx application – Mark Story


I’m curious about HTMX but have never used it. I’ll read this at some point.

4. The Chairs’ Hiatus – Part 1


I like Matthew Bogart’s graphic novels. I like his style. I like his retro knowledge. This is a free web comic thing.

5. A Totally Objective Ranking of Every UK Local Authority Logo


Very good. Very funny. Very long!!

6. Craft (not the CMS)


I’ve actually no idea what this is. Even reading the website. Their words are: “Craft the best docs in the world”. Looks like some kind of knowledge organiser? Really not sure.

7. mezzio


This says “PSR-15 Middleware in Minutes”, but I’m still not quite sure what it does. Must have seemed useful at the time. PHP related.

8. Fauna


A distributed, cloud-based database. One I was looking at when I was researching cloud-based key-value stores.

9. Athena Crisis


A modern retro turn-based strategy game inspired by Advance Wars. Looked like an interesting little game. Was probably recommended.

10. A deck of accessibility issues


An interesting tool for web developers and designers to consider accessibility, but also great for putting in front of management/stakeholders. I wanted to buy it, but it was quite expensive.