• The Oikos Site re-build – Part 1

    I hate my own business website. I built it quickly with a page builder. Like this site it’s kinda deliberately minimalist because I’m not a designer, and yes, it’s better than previous iterations. But there’s so much I don’t like about it. And I’m working, behind the scenes, with Statamic, trying to get to a […]

  • Laravel: Going back() after form validation errors

    I’m SURE I must have done this before. Like…so many times. But this felt new today and is definitely worth remembering. When you’re using forms in Laravel, you sometimes want a “cancel” or “back” button or link that takes you to where you were before. And Laravel provides a handy url() helper that gets a […]

  • Speaker Tips from the wonderful WordCamp London folks

    I’m speaking at WordCamp London on Sunday. And I ALWAYS learn something new when public speaking. I’ve been chatting with other speakers in the Speaker’s Slack Channel and I popped in and asked for tips: Who has super speaker tips? Assume nothing. I want all the basics. I gave a couple of my own for […]

  • A new look: What? Why? and How?

    Years in the thinking, not very long in the making, here's the What?, Why? and How? of my extra-geeky, new look website.

  • The Week – 25th February 2019

    Last week was half term holidays, made all the more interesting by my car’s drive-shaft breaking! Eeek! But I had two GREAT days of work in there and exciting things are happening – I even submitted a talk to WordCamp London and will await a response to that nervously. Projects: what I’ve been up to […]