
  • CSS and… err …job titles?

    I think it's easier to switch languages than to switch disciplines. We need job titles that better describe our disciplines.

  • Charging up the SchoolBot

    I've been gently nudging SchoolBot development along in my mornings and evenings the last week - here's where it's at.

  • The week: 10th September 2018

    Having seen someone else do similar, I thought I’d summarise my week in projects, posts, and pins. This is probably as much for my benefit as anything, but let me know if you find it interesting or helpful. Use the comments – I’m happy to tweak the format to make it more useful for others. […]

  • Remembering your promises

    Weddings can be reminders of what practical, sacrificial, unconditional love is like. I can’t help but feel that that’s something the world needs more of right now.

  • On behalf of…

    I’ve been contributing to some discussions that have been happening this week about the new WordPress “Gutenberg” editor. Hopefully constructively. And I think its useful to note where I come from when thinking about Gutenberg. Firstly, there’s my own context. Mostly as a user of WordPress (I’m using it right now!) but also as a […]

  • Cordless family life

    Freed from the constraints of having to find an appropriate combination of socket, circuit breaker, and extension lead, I could now just grab-and-go.

  • The Grass Under My Feet

    Computers and the internet are great, brilliant, amazing things. But there’s something special about just feeling the grass beneath your feet.

  • What are you up to?

    I don’t know if this is interesting, but maybe it gives some insight into the breadth of my work in a given week.