Knight Time?
With all this "smart" technology everywhere, has it occurred to anyone that we might only be a very small step away from...
Creativity, curiosity, and code
With all this "smart" technology everywhere, has it occurred to anyone that we might only be a very small step away from...
It’s late. But I’m up and by brain is, for various reasons, unusually not caffeine-related, buzzing. Partly because I’m really thankful this evening. Thankful because, both online and off, I’m part of some amazing communities of people who inspire and encourage one another. Thankful because I’ve had support and encouragement of my own from friends, […]
So if I'm going to take this sketching thing seriously, I'll need some tools.
[Old post] Written around the time I left my old job, his is a vagely amusing email exchange with a cyclist colleague of mine that's worth saving.
I'm not cycling Bruce Street again. My life is too precious. I'll stop and use the half-baked pedestrian/shared infrastructure. Cycling feels dangerous.
We went for a stroll in the deep dark wood!
I've decided to try and learn to sketch. I'm going to tell you why and to describe my thoughts as I go. Here's some history and an introduction.
I don’t write much about parenting and Isaac. This isn’t a parenting blog. But something has happened recently which has been quite monumental and I think it’s worth writing about. Background There’s a bit of background needed here. The first thing is that we’ve taken an approach to parenting that fits a lot of the […]
Here are some of the causes of friction that stopped me doing 40 Acts
As a Christian involved in digital media, I’m bombarded with opportunities to give up or take up things around the beginning of the season of lent. Indeed, this year I’m helping create a website that is offering one such opportunity. I can’t really escape it, and the choice of activities and tools is brilliant. I’ve […]