
  • Takes of Ducks

    Lots of people have been taking up the new Vine app that lets you record 6 second videos and gotten really enthusiastic about it. Some people have done some really creative things with it and the 6-second limit kinda forces you to be creative. It reminds me of the early days of Twitter where people […]

  • Swindon Cycle Paths: A Missed Opportunity

    A little while ago there was some discussion on Twitter about cycling in Swindon. It started from a question asked by whoever was running the PeopleOfSwindon account that week, and we got onto the topic of Swindon’s cycle paths. The following observation was made: @Surfseekerdin – public cycle paths seem extensive, though I don't cycle, […]

  • Get Britain Cycling

    Hello blog. It’s been a while…again. This is really an extended Tweet which makes idea blog post material. I’ve not been cycling much lately. A combination of working from home and not really having any spare time due to running a business and being a dad. But I still love my bike and my cycling […]

  • A saint and a valentine

    I’ve been poorly today so Sally has taken Isaac to nursery (usually my job) prepared tea in the slow cooker, looked after Isaac all night (as always) and not complained or been bothered by it at all. She’s done everything needed to let me just rest and fight off my man-flu. And today just about […]

  • Alas

    Alas, after a good blogging revival in December and the start of Jan, it’s been back to no-blogging for most of the last month. To be honest, I’ve mostly been locked away in my office getting umpteen websites finished and put live, so there’s not been much to tell (though look out for site launch […]

  • Oooh, so THAT’S what it should sound like

    There’s something I’ve been meaning to do for years now. I’m quite partial to my music. I know that my taste’s aren’t amazing, but I like what I like.  And sometimes – when the house is empty – I like to have it a bit louder. Now that Sally’s back at work and Isaac’s at […]

  • Success!

    Well, that couldn’t have gone much better. Sally’s gone back to work now and I’m looking after Isaac on Wednesday mornings. And today has been a resounding success. He started by wolfing down most of a Weetabix (other wholewheat cereals are available), after which we brushed his teeth. changed his nappy, and read a few […]

  • Prevent Accidental Shootings

    There has been a lot of discussion of America’s gun laws and culture recently after the school shooting in Conneticut. The danger of gun prevalence in the USA really hit home, though, as I was reading a book over Christmas.   I’ve been reading Armin Brott’s excellent ‘The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the […]

  • Facebook Photo Sync

    Not that I’ll be using it but…I knew Facebook were going to do photo sync from mobiles. Has it been announced? Or did they sneak it in?

  • Focused campaigning

    As someone who both cares about issues of poverty and justice, and who works in the charity sector – and in particular, the campaigning sector – I am on quite a lot of campaigning email lists. And it feels like lately the number of ’email your MP’ campaigns has increased. I don’t feel like I […]