
  • True Grit

    Duelling with the council over gritting of cycle paths.

  • Relics

    Sometimes I find myself thinking "Did we? Did we REALLY cycle 50 miles?"

  • iPhone vs Android

    What sort of mobile device does a person like me have?

  • Survival of the Fittest

    It's been fascinating seeing "survival of the fittest" in action in our garden this year.

  • Pause?

    Sometimes, I just want to press pause and have every day like this.

  • A whole new set of problems

    Gardening is like war. Actually I don’t know much about what war is like so maybe I should take that back. But just when you think you’re winning the enemy changes tactics!! As always, this year’s gardening problems have been different to last year’s. Slugs have been well under control – whether this is my […]

  • Where are you?!

    From the moment I first heard of Google Latitude I wondered why on Earth I'd want to tell the world where I was.

  • A long commute

    I've not done much cycling this season, so I grabbed a couple of cereal bars, filled a water bottle, and headed off in search of faraway lands.

  • Things I Like

    I know I whinge a here's some things I like at the moment.

  • Contradictions

    It’s interesting how businesses are trying to get onto the “reducing our carbon footprint” bandwagon. Today, on the same page of A4 news I saw the same company announcing: the closure of a building as part of their drive towards reducing carbon emissions; that you could be driving a new SUV by September! More disjointed […]