
  • Cycling Positivity

    Do I have the right to query people's complaints at cyclists, when I complain myself?

  • A Little Trip

    A trip up North: Good Cyclists, Bad Cyclists, Pirates and Platzgeist.

  • Car Parks and Council Cash

    Swindon Council are working to reduce car usage, so naturally, when considering how to boost the number of people heading into town they...err...encourage people into their cars?!

  • How to Win my Vote

    So, the Honourable Michael Wills MP is going and you might be next. Here's what you need to do to win my vote.

  • It's Church Jim, but not as we know it!

    We have a new church. Well, there's no building, and no official organisation. There are people, but not many. And you know what? It's amazing!!

  • On Having the Touch

    The iPod Touch is a phenomenal and, dare I say it, life changing device - I would guess that the iPhone is more so. But it should come with a health warning.

  • Climate Change News

    You know, it never occurred to me that the term "fossil fuels" contained the word "fossil" and that this is hugely significant.

  • Bike Shops

    I have a new favourite bike shop!

  • Pimp my browser

    Don't be content with a half-hearted internet-browsing experience!

  • Not-So-Magic Roundabouts

    I've been paying attention while driving up to and on roundabouts in the last few days, thinking about whether or not I would see a cyclist and how I would respond.