
  • Wet weather

    Another, fairly dull, cycling-related post I’m afraid. More on the garden, slugs, harvesting, music and other stuff to come when I have some time. If that’s not a tempting proposition that’ll make you bookmark my blog then I don’t know what will. Hey, I lead an exciting life!!! đŸ˜‰ It’s been pretty wet lately. And […]

  • Mixing it up

    Sorry – this is quite dull and is really just a note-to-self on fitness progress. The cycling has been going really well of late and I put in a record 254 miles in July. I’m not injured and I’m feeling strong and fit, which is great! August, though, for various, non-cycling-related reasons has prompted lots […]

  • Garmin Forerunner 50 Heart Rate Monitor

    I’ve had my HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) that I got for my cycle training for about 6 weeks now so it’s time I did a bit of a write up. Why Bother? First of all, why bother with an HRM? (If you haven’t spotted already I’m the kind of person that thinks a LOT and […]

  • Behind with the Times

    This is a bit of an unstructured brain-dump of where certain techie things are in my head right now. I wrote about my use of Twitter a while back. One of the boons of this has been watching the inspiring little comments of an old Bathonian friend of mine. My friend (I won’t name him […]

  • How Cuil???

    A friend of mine is engaged in a little, private “Beta” website that I’m contributing to. It’s kinda Christian-themed news and random stuff. I’ve spent some time tonight on a post which I hope he doesn’t mind me cross-posting here. —– You may, like me, have noticed the latest big thing on the Internet…a new […]

  • Lots of bike news

    Fuzzy went in for repairs yesterday, mostly because he needed it sooner rather than later, but also because I was driving to work anyway so that I could safely give blood at lunchtime and not have to ride home. But there’s lots of online cycling developments this week. Swindon Cycle Challenge One it the Swindon […]

  • Gardening and Gods

    I quoted from the Bible’s book called “Exodus” only yesterday – here’s a bit again from the 10 commandments: “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below…” It’s hard […]

  • General Update

    I’ve not written much lately but have some free time so it’s a catchup kinda day. We’ve been on holiday (write-up of holiday thoughts to come) and feel a bit out of things, but we’re slowly returning to normality. Cycling Continuing long rides into work and doing my 8.5 mile route most days now. Having […]

  • Race Blades (TM)

    There is much dispute in the cycling community about the quality of German manufacturer SKS’ Race Blades. After my sister gave me some Wiggle vouchers for my birthday (thanks Sarah), I have now bought some and so thought I ought to chip in to the debate. First of all, for those not in the know, […]

  • Nothing Changes

    Back in April I read this article in the Guardian and tore it out and left it on my bedside table for comment. Sorry for taking so long to getting round to it. About 4,000 years ago… Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up […]